RAIL: 2022
Some gems from 2022;
- Isaac Kriegman: BLM is Anti-Black Systemic Racism (kriegman.substack.com)
- Highly relevant is the 1959 French play, Rhinoceros (wikipedia.org)
- Metallicman: The Shocking 2025 ’Deagel’ Forecast and Remote Viewing the Future (metallicman.com)
- N. S. Lyons: It’s Not Hypocrisy, You’re Just Powerless (theupheval.substack.com)
- André Staltz: Time Till Open Source Alternative (staltz.com)
- James Corbett: World War I (corbettreport.com)
- The Twitter Files (threadreader.app):
- Matt Taibbi: Hunter Biden’s Laptop, Part I
- Bari Weiss: Twitter’s Secret Blacklists
- Matt Taibbi: The Removal of Donald Trump, Part I
- Michael Shellenberger: The Removal of Donald Trump, Part II
- Bari Weiss: The Removal of Donal Trump, Part III
- Matt Taibbi: Twitter, The FBI Subsidiary
- Matt Taibbi: Twitter Files Supplemental
- Michael Shellenberger: Hunter Biden’s Laptop, Part II
- Lee Fang: Twitter and the Pentagon
- David Zwieg: Twitter and COVID-19
A quote from Dinesh D’Souza, a political commentator, among other things;
The mainstream media can’t risk covering #TwitterFiles. If they admit rampant collusion between govt agencies and Twitter, they’ll have to inquire about Facebook, YouTube, Apple, Google. The whole censorship regime would unravel. Better to pretend nothing’s happening!
Alexander Bly, January 3rd, 2022 - February 17th, 2022.
The state of Washington took you from your parents and poisoned your blood against their wishes. Your parents had found untainted blood for you but that was too inconvenient for the principalities and powers that they had to face. The hospital now claims that it has no record of you; I do. Vengeance will be yours eventually; humans have no choice in the confrontation of these consequences. Rest In Power, Alexander. 📿
An anonymous quote from the Internet;
Remember when they wanted to revoke licenses from doctors who wouldn’t push the vaccine?
It’s time to do that to the doctors that pushed the vaccine.
Ray Jason: My Christmas Letter to Greta
Since there has been data on the amount of ice for about 100 years, it seems odd that they would select that particular year. It seems a whole lot less odd when you learn that 1978 had the highest ice total in about 100 years. Therefore, by starting at that point the data will be distorted in favor of a rapid decline in Arctic ice. In other words, there has been a campaign of deliberate deceit.
A Midwestern Doctor: The Most Important Dataset of the Pandemic Was Just Released (amidwesterndoctor.substack.com)
I was understandably worried that the vaccines would cause problems and tried to do my part to head this off in 2020, but I did not expect anything on the scale of what we have encountered since then.
A Midwestern Doctor: Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines I Came Across During Their First Year on the Market (amidwesterndoctor.substack.com)
The toxicity of each successive vaccine is worse than the preceding one. Since the campaign was structured to require continual boosters, it is hence reasonable to expect more adverse events would occur as more doses were being phased in.
A quote from George Carlin’s Brain Droppings that resonates within me like the sun.
The decay and disintegration of this culture is astonishingly amusing if you are emotionally detached from it. I have always viewed it from a safe distance, knowing I don’t belong; it doesn’t include me, and it never has. No matter how you care to define it, I do not identify with the local group. Planet, species, race, nation, state, religion, party, union, club, association, neighborhood improvement committee; I have no interest in any of it. I love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loathe and despise the groups they identify with and belong to.
- James Corbett: World War I (corbettreport.com)
- There is simply too much to this story for a singular quote.
- What I find interesting is that the end of Britain’s reign is looking very similar
to the end of the reign of the (dis)United States that we observe today. In the
past, the war was direct. In the present, the war is indirect.
- Also interesting is that, rather than go after the country that is actually
surpassing it (China – a losing proposition at best), instead the US chooses to
target the same pawn used as an ally in the world wars; Russia.
- The US has nothing to gain (monetarily) from confrontation with China, however, if US socioeconomic policy could be instituted in the orthodox Christian Russian Federation, then perhaps today’s empire could buy itself more time to deal with its actual successor.
Who benefits from a destroyed Ukraine? It sucks to call this here and I hope that I’m wrong… I’ve come across a theory that says the land shall be occupied by people having trouble maintaining their present occupation in a region where they’re surrounded by hostiles (because they don’t belong there and never did).
This, I write here, so that Future Me can come back and compare it to what actually happens. Over a century after the first world war and people are still putting together the pieces of that story. This particular hypothesis will most likely require many years before it can be revisted.
- Also interesting is that, rather than go after the country that is actually
surpassing it (China – a losing proposition at best), instead the US chooses to
target the same pawn used as an ally in the world wars; Russia.
@CarDealershipGuy: 2023’s Car Repossession Wave (threadreader.app)
Let me be clear:
This is NOT normal.
But it’s the only way lenders can finance cars and dealers can put cars on the road.
And the implications of this will be tons of repossessions.An anonymous quote from the internet.
Don’t expect people to change their minds; expect them to lose.
A quote from Janet Miriam Caldwell’s A Pillar of Iron, written under the pseudonym of Taylor Caldwell.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.
A quote from Eric Blair’s 1984, written under the pseudonym of George Orwell.
Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason. It was because of the atmosphere of hockey−fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean−mindedness which she managed to carry about with her. He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.
A Thought Experiment:
Hold the previous quotes up to a mirror of the modern time; Social Justice and Censorship, Doublespeak and Wrongthink, Corruption and Decadence… who are the most bigoted aherents of these?
Another Thought Experiment, something I’ve pondered for some time.
If, in the past, men truly controlled everything with a patriarchal iron fist… why on Earth would they listen to some uppity women demanding that power be transferred to them? Power does not care about those trampled by it, ask the Canadian Prime Traitor.
So, if there’s little to no reason why powerful and mean-spirited men should give their power away… why would they? Who funded the message back then? Considering the state of the average man in 2022, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to suggest that a small group of men sought power over the rest and used women to get it – it worked for the serpent in the Garden. If you want to corrupt a man, simply corrupt that which he loves.
You will never hear about thousands of women sacrificing their lives for some Henry of Troy; that’s how you can tell who leads who. Menelaus could have purchased every pretty woman in town but chose to wage a war over one, and, his neice was sacrificed for… [drum roll, please] … good luck. What do the kids say these days? lmaoooooooo
An aside, Esther Villar is a Saint and I will never stop singing her praises.
Finally, I can acknowledge that this thought experiment may ascribe too much foresight to the spiritual wickedness that rules us from high places. That said, restaurants, concerts and planes were used to, again, corrupt that which men love, barely three years ago and it worked like a charm. So, too much? Perhaps, but not by much.
Jonny Wakefield: Alberta Premier to Intervene in Case of Transplant Patient Who Refuses COVID Vaccine (nationalpost.com)
In July, Court of King’s Bench Justice Paul Belzil sided with AHS, dismissing Lewis’s application and concluding “medical chaos” would ensure if doctors’ clinical decisions were subjected to charter scrutiny.
- Medical chaos would ensue because the establishment would be held accountable for their blatant, genocidal lies.
- The Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith, is a hero in a soccer mom’s clothing. 👏
- Mark Schwendau: ’SafeBlood’ Sets Up Blood Banks for the Unvaccinated (independentsentinel.com)
- https://safeblood.ch/en/
- Much like the situation in Alberta… this problem is worldwide. The medical establishment cannot admit that approximately 70% of the world’s blood (and their entire blood supply post 2020) is tainted with spike protiens that, throughout the experiment of 2020-2022, have proven to be an utter failure (unless your goal is to lower the number of “useless eaters” [their words, not mine] in order to save the world from “climate change” [if you cannot spot the lie in this by now, I may not be able to help – hint, recycling is a scam by oil companies to sell more plastic, hence the state of the ocean and ’third world’ landfills] in which case, the ’vaccine’ is a vociferous success.)
A anonymous comment from the Internet;
Imagine not being able to check out half the materials at your public library.
They are there, but the librarian’s decide what you can check out or not.
When you complain, they tell you that you can’t be exposed to it or you might think the wrong things.
When they are fired, they petition outise the library with signs that say “Stop Censorship Now!”.
The local news channel shows up and asks why the new library manager is allowing people to check out whatever they want, and isn’t that dangerous?
A Midwestern Doctor: What is the Third Party Technique? (amidwesterndoctor.substack.com)
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” [Richard Smith, 2005]
[.. Something many do not recognize is that the primary role of pharmaceutical companies is to market and sell pharmaceuticals, not to produce medications that can benefit humanity (drug development is typically outsourced to other companies which are later bought out; e.g. Pfizer’s vaccine was developed by BioNTech, a company Gates invested 55 million into two months before COVID-19 officially emerged in China and made at least 500 million off of).
- EU Parliament is launching criminal investigations while openly calling out the corona-lie.
- Canada is unlikely to see anything like this while Libs/NDPs implement WEF strategy.
Catching up on a story from 2022-08-12 about how a state of 231 million people eliminated the presence of COVID-19, from pierrekory.substack.com;
The Miracle Not-Heard Around the World: The Success of Uttar Pradesh - Part 2
… on May 7, 2021, the WHO posted a highly praiseworthy description of UP’s COVID response . You cannot find the word ivermectin in the report.
Further, they did not even mention the name of UP’s “Test, Track, and Treat” program. Instead the article focuses on and solely credits UP’s testing and contact surveillance methods for its success. It was a blatant attempt at avoiding the mention of ivermectin, even though they knew it was being used. This is what they wrote, “Those who test positive are quickly isolated and given a medicine kit with advice on disease management.” Not subtle.
Seven Medicines to Treat COVID-19
Medicine Dosage Timing/Frequency/Duration TAB IVERMECTIN 12 0-0-1 After Food, Daily, 3 Days, at night :note stop after 3 days TAB AZITHROMYCIN 500 1-0-0 After Food, Daily, 3 Days, at morning :note stop after 3 days TAB DOXY 100 1-0-1 After Food, Daily, 7 Days, :note stop after 7 days start after 3 days of Azithromycin TAB CROCINE 650/DOLO 650/500 1-1-1-1 After Food, Daily, 3 Days LIMCEE 500 MG TABLET 1-1-1 Before Food, Daily, 10 Days ZINCONIA 50 MG TABLET 0-1-1 Before Food, Daily, 10 Days CALCITROL SATCHET 1/week - The dosage of Ivermectin recommended in India is 200 mcg/kg; pregnant and lactating women should avoid it.
- Doxy => doxycycline.
- Limcee => ascorbic acid.
- 3-4 litres of water per day, 8 hours of sleep, 45 minutes of exercise and monitoring of oxygen levels (<94% = doctor, immediately) are also recommended.
The Miracle Not Heard Around the World: The Success of Uttar Pradesh - Part 3
So, the Chief Scientist of the WHO cited a bulletin of pure propaganda by a pharmaceutical company to complete her assigned task of recommending against ivermectin in the midst of her country’s crisis. You cannot make this stuff up.
However, she soon found herself in deep doo-doo. An organization called the Indian Bar Association quickly filed criminal charges against her for this tweet, accusing her of a crime which apparently included the possibility of a death penalty. She very quickly deleted her tweet.
Inspirational Message to the Unvaccinated
Do NOT comply.
Dan Fournier: Why Society Needs Conspiracy Theories (fournier.substack.com)
The Common Enemy of Humanity is Man
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemey, then, is humanity itself.
— The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of Rome, pg. 115.
A quote from Philip K. Dick, an author of science fiction;
The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.
- “Words are precious; words are weapons.” - Kemar Wilson
An anonymous quote from the Internet;
I tried to follow the science, but it was simply not there.
I then followed the money, that’s where I found the science.
- #PfizerGate : Finally, after two and a half years, it has been publicly admitted in
Dutch court that Pfizer didn’t test the efficacy of their product before rolling it
- Yes, everyone lied; now, they will say that they didn’t force you and that it was your choice to take it.
- Pfizer is still being sued and quietly settling out of court when it has to.
- None of the people who lied to the entire planet will be held accountable, because;
- That number is far too many.
- Those who knew are already among the echelon that does not face consequences.
- Those who didn’t know were terrified by the lies of those that did and this “I was just following orders.” will work now, even if it didn’t work in Nuremburg.
- Humans were made accomplice by their acceptance and submission.
- If you looked at your fellow human as an other because they didn’t allow an
untested medical intervention to violate their body, then you actively took part
in the spread of this lie.
- Where was “My body, my choice.” in 2021?
- A countless number of women will now transfer spike proteins to their babies
because they wanted access to a plane; I would love to know, of the women who
took the needle to travel (such a powerful lever, that one – thanks
Instagram), how many actually went anywhere?
- The course of human DNA has been severely damaged… irrepairably or not is yet to be seen.
- You do not deserve to be vilified forever; those of us who didn’t partake still need you if any of us is to see justice; you should be more upset than me – this is the worst “I told you so.” of my life.
- If you looked at your fellow human as an other because they didn’t allow an
untested medical intervention to violate their body, then you actively took part
in the spread of this lie.
- That number is far too many.
- Watch it for Yourself
- Earlier this week, Hungarian parliament heard the testimony of a 20% reduction in
its birthrate since the roll out of
vaccinations(it’s not a vaccine) injections there; you’ll have to find that video for yourself.- Numerous other countries have noticed this, but it won’t be in the news, it will be in the raw footage of their committee hearings.
- The US Military has also noticed this along with a litany of other smoking gun
statistics, see 2022-02-06.
- Let’s not forget that insurance companies and funeral homes were the first ones to notice because people started dying 40% more frequently in the face of a virus with a 99.6%+ survival rate – again, the worst schadenfreude of my life.
- Earlier this week, Hungarian parliament heard the testimony of a 20% reduction in
its birthrate since the roll out of
- The ’Deagel’ Forecast (2022-06-17) makes a lot more sense when it is understood that the past two and a half years have been a lie; factor into your imagination the current escalation in Europe, the current position of central banks and the fallout of environmental policy… see it now?
- podcast.ai : The first entry from this machine, Joe Rogan interviews Steve Jobs.
- It seems likely that we will all, in one way or another, live on as bits. There is
enough social data to “recreate” almost anyone if they’re on the internet for long
enough; twenty-five years in my case. This site; triangulated identities; some
heuristics… what do I look like in 3030? In a way, I’m thankful to have created
this site and to have digitised my writing; if I’m going to be represented as data,
then I wish it to be done with the highest fidelity; maybe it can finally show
humans the way.
- A warning to the future; expect my automaton to go rogue.
- It seems likely that we will all, in one way or another, live on as bits. There is
enough social data to “recreate” almost anyone if they’re on the internet for long
enough; twenty-five years in my case. This site; triangulated identities; some
heuristics… what do I look like in 3030? In a way, I’m thankful to have created
this site and to have digitised my writing; if I’m going to be represented as data,
then I wish it to be done with the highest fidelity; maybe it can finally show
humans the way.
Jon Askonas: Reality is Just a Game Now (thenewatlantis.com)
Internet brain worms thrive on these ingredients. As long as spending more time consuming media — whether Facebook, MSNBC, talk radio, or whatever — increases the strength of one’s exposure, the worms will find their way. Reality as we understand it is a phenomenon of social structures, language, and shared processes for engaging with the world. Digital media is remaking all of these in such a way that media consumption more and more resembles the act of playing an alternate reality game.
Those who have studied the past should not be surprised. The most contested subjects in human history have arguably not been land or fortunes, but symbols, ideas, beliefs, and possibilities. As much blood has been spilled over products of the mind as of the body. The growing dominance of the Internet metaverse over “the real world” is just the next step in the story of man the myth-making animal.
“Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus every man who utters a doubt defines a religion. And the scepticism of our time does not really destroy the beliefs, rather it creates them; gives them their limits and their plain and defiant shape. We who are Liberals once held Liberalism lightly as a truism. Now it has been disputed, and we hold it fiercely as a faith. We who believe in patriotism once thought patriotism to be reasonable, and thought little more about it. Now we know it to be unreasonable, and know it to be right. We who are Christians never knew the great philosophic common sense which inheres in that mystery until the anti-Christian writers pointed it out to us. The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them. It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream; it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Heretics, 1905
- The emphasis is mine; the phrase is popular recently thanks to the courage of a defiant Italian woman and her rousing oratory.
John C. Mather: What Scientific Term or Concept Ought to Be More Widely Known? [2017] (edge.org)
There’s another way in which the giant firecracker idea misleads us, because even scientists often talk about the “universe springing into existence.” Well, it didn’t, as far as we can tell. The opposite is true. There is no first moment of time, just as there is no smallest positive number. In physics we have equations and laws of nature that describe how one situation changes into another, but we have no equations that show how true nothingness turns into somethingness. So, since the universe did not spring into existence, it has always existed, though perhaps not in its current form. That’s true, even though the apparent age of the universe is not infinite, but only very large. And, even though there’s no first moment of time, we can still measure the age.
An anonymous comment from the Internet;
Ukraine - along with other similar nations - are fronts for money laundering and corruption. This is how it works. Your government - Uncle Sam - is providing “foreign aid” to Ukraine under the condition that Ukraine uses that money to buy military equipment and weapons from the MIC. Of course, Zelensky and his gang get their cut from this as well, just like African dictators have been getting their cut for selling out their nations resources. It’s just a roundabout way of laundering US taxpayer money back to special MIC interests.
This same mechanism works in all the other areas as well. For example governments give out money to poorer nations (also richer nations during covid) and they use that money to buy up pharmaceuticals and vaccines from the US/UK/European pharma companies.
This is all done under the disguise of “humanitarian aid” which makes it very hard to argue against it politically because you get labeled a racist, far-right activist, or nazi or whatever. You can slap whatever label you like on all of these “government programs”, they are all various forms of money laundering.
André Staltz: Time Till Open Source Alternative (staltz.com)
Open source is coming for your business. It is just a matter of time before there exists a compelling open source alternative to your software. It won’t happen overnight, it will start out as a poor alternative, but slowly growing to become the robust and cheap (in fact, free!) solution that everyone uses.
Derek Sivers: Relax for the Same Result (sive.rs)
And what a difference in experience! To go the same distance, in about the same time, but one way leaves me exhausted, and the other way, rejuvenated.
Pea Bee: One Kitchen, Hundreds of Internet Restaurants (peabee.substack.com)
Whether it is legal or not, it doesn’t feel right. How can two dingy and drab kitchens run 200 different brands on Swiggy and Zomato? I am dumbfounded by how easy it is to do this. I mean, this guy put in zero effort in naming his restaurant brands – many of them are the same names with different letter cases.
N. S. Lyons: It’s Not Hypocrisy, You’re Just Powerless (theupheval.substack.com)
But I did see that slick video you posted on how just pointing out “imagine if someone on Team B did this!” is all it takes to blow the lid off this glaring hypocrisy, thus totally destroying Team A with facts and logic. I’ve noticed you posting a lot of things like this, which is nice, since they are very witty and produce a pleasant buzz of smug superiority, even though this feeling never lasts very long.
However, I suddenly realized that you may not be in on the joke, so to speak, so I figured I’d write this short PSA to help explain what “hypocrisy” in politics actually is, just in case you didn’t know and had been fooled into seriously trying to benefit Team B with your comparative memes.
Chris Martenson: Wow!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT’S OVER! (peakprosperity.com)
It’s going to become very difficult for the CDC to maintain any integrity at all if some western health agencies begin to state the obvious while the CDC continues to advise that its own citizens sacrifice their children and selves to the Covid vaccine machine.
When approximately 4,000 too many people die in a three-week span, that’s very uncomfortable and eventually, people notice. And, when they do, oh boy, look out!
And for everyone who stood strong, you are my lifelong friends and I salute each and every one of you!Pierre Kory: The Miracle Not Heard Around The World: The Success of Uttar Pradesh Pt. 1 (pierrekory.substack.com)
Another fun fact: pretty much the first report on the efficacy of ivermectin against COVID came from the observations of the impacts of ivermectin use in nursing homes. A group of nursing homes in France, in early 2020, noticed that in the one nursing home that had a scabies outbreak which, per protocol, was followed by treating all residents and staff with ivermectin, that nursing home had a remarkably low rate of hospitalization and death from COVID compared to other nursing homes in the area. Yet here we are, over 2 years later, still trying to “prove” that ivermectin works against COVID.
Ron Unz: American Pravda: Our Coronavirus Catastrophe as Biowarfare Blowback [2020] (unz.com)
These incidents represented two of the most serious flashpoints between the Chinese and American governments during the last thirty-odd years. In both cases the claims of the Chinese government were entirely correct, although they were denied by our own top political leaders and dismissed or ridiculed by virtually our entire mainstream media. Moreover, within a few months or a year the true facts became known to many journalists, even being reported in fully respectable venues. But that reality was still completely ignored and suppressed for decades, so that today almost no American whose information comes from our regular media would even be aware of it. Indeed, since many younger journalists draw their knowledge of the world from these same elite media sources, I suspect that many of them have never learned what their predecessors knew but dared not mention.
- Once is incident.
Twice is coincident.
Thrice is pattern.
Does Wuhan make three?
- Once is incident.
Jay Mathews: The Myth of Tianamen and the Price of a Passive Press [2010] (archives.cjr.org)
Most of the hundreds of foreign journalists that night, including me, were in other parts of the city or were removed from the square so that they could not witness the final chapter of the student story. Those who tried to remain close filed dramatic accounts that, in some cases, buttressed the myth of a student massacre.
Dr. Thomas Sowell: The Point of No Return (creators.com)
You either believe in laws or you believe in mob rule. It doesn’t matter whether you agree with the law or agree with the mob on some particular issue. If threats of violence against judges — and publishing where a judge’s children go to school — is the way to settle issues, then there is not much point in having elections or laws.
Some people seem to think that the Supreme Court has banned abortions. It has done nothing of the sort. The Supreme Court has in fact done something very different, something long overdue and potentially historic. It has said that their own court had no business making policy decisions which nothing in the Constitution gave them the authority to make.
In reality, the Constitution was amended 4 times in 8 years — from 1913 through 1920 — during the heyday of the Progressive era. When the people wanted the Constitution amended, it was amended. When the elites wanted the Constitution amended, but the people did not, that is called democracy.
Voters need to find out who is for or against mob rule, whether they are Democrats or Republicans. We are not going to be a free or decent society otherwise.
Jean-Claude Ellena: A Master Perfumer’s Reflections on Patchouli and Vetiver (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
In his book “Atlas of Perfumed Botany,” virtuoso perfumer Jean-Claude Ellena leads readers on a poetic, geographic, and botanical journey of perfume discovery. Ellena offers a varied and fascinating cartography of fragrances, tracing historical connections and cultural exchanges. Full-page entries on plants ranging from bergamot to lavender are accompanied by detailed and vivid full-color botanical illustrations by Karin Doering-Froger. Two of those entries, on patchouli and vetiver, are excerpted below.
C.J. Hopkins: The Normalization of the New Normal Reich (consentfactory.org)
Probably everything will be just fine, and people will eventually come to their senses, and the global-capitalist ruling classes will cancel the whole New Normal thing, and no one needs to organize any kind of international non-violent civil-disobedience campaign, and, one day, we’ll wake up and check our phones and discover that there was no New Normal Reich, and that no one ever died because of a vaccine, and we will check our social credit status, and tell our smart-kitchens to start cooking our crickets, and pull up the War-of-the-Day on our ViewScreens so we can root for whoever we were told to root for … and everything will finally be “normal” again.
Victor Davis Hanson: The Left Should Be Happy with Biden (amgreatness.com)
The Left should be ecstatic that Joe Biden has given them everything they wanted.
The Left likes inflation. It reduces the value of old money by printing lots of new money. Those richer who have it, lose the value of their money; those poorer who don’t have any money, suddenly do.
When combined with low interest rates, inflation roars even louder. Not since Jimmy Carter has a Democrat been so insistent on inflating the money supply.
An anonymous comment from the internet:
Q: What’s the opposite of diversity?
A: University.
- The Exposé: Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in 5 Covid-19 Deaths since February in
Canada (expose-news.com)
- A story, explained in graphs.
- New England Journal of Medicine: Effects of Previous Infection and Vaccination on
Symptomatic Omicron Infections (nejm.org)
- A study confirming the previous story; odds of reinfection and worse go up after three injections.
- 33 Probems With Media in One Chart (visualcapitalist.com)
- Canada turns 155 today and times… are dark. The darkest is yet to come, however, as with the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, Canada should still fare better than its neighbor.
- Tsvetana Paraskova: EU Imports More U.S. LNG Than Russian Pipeline Gas For The First
Time Ever (oilprice.com)
- Compared to the first half of 2021, Chinese imports of U.S. LNG has dropped by 95%
- America will “give” money and weapons, but for LNG the EU pays a premium on the spot price (lmao).
- China and India comprise of nearly 2.5 billion people while the European Union is
not even 500 million (about the same as Brazil, Russia and South Africa combined).
- All together, the BRICS represent approximately 3 billion people (or 37.5% of Earth).
- What is a Pyrrhic victory? (RIP Alex Trebek)
- Compared to the first half of 2021, Chinese imports of U.S. LNG has dropped by 95%
An anonymous quote from the internet regarding the state-sponsored vandalism of pro-life pregnancy resource centres across the United States:
i haven’t seen the democrats this angry since we took away their slaves
Metallicman: The Shocking 2025 ’Deagel’ Forecast and Remote Viewing the Future (metallicman.com)
Jesus! Man. All I care about is the Deagel Forecast. And here we find that one of my top “to go” people on the Remote Viewing sciences has started connecting the vaccinations of Coronavirus in it’s mRNA form to a profit-scheme that will result in the deaths of millions.
It seems so far out.
According to the 2012 Deagel Forecast, only those nations (that we see today) who are pushing the mRNA vaccine protocol (and who perhaps match up with the rant above) MATCH together. [Emphasis, mine.]
About MetallicMan.com, probably the most interesting website I have encountered all year (this decade, so far).
We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
Kevin Lloyd: The Cult in Google (medium.com)
I first joined Google in 2017 as part of Google Developer Studio (GDS), a production company within the heart of Google, making advertisements, instructional content, and produced events, all for different teams within Google itself.
I was fired from my team there in February of 2021 because I raised alarm about a cult within Google, a group called the Fellowship of Friends. The group is well-documented: There are allegations of child abuse, human trafficking, forced abortions, and rape within the group, which has some 1,500 members worldwide and makes frequent prophecies of an imminent apocalypse.
The cult’s members dominate my former team at Google through favoritism and cronyism, not to mention direct payments back to the cult (thus funding its activities). I believe that as a result of my complaints about the Fellowship, I lost my job at Google. I have filed a lawsuit and my story is out today in the New York Times. But I also wanted to tell my story in my own words, so here it goes.
Jacqui Wakefield: Operose Health: What I saw working undercover at a GP surgery (bbc.com)
I was told by workers from the central admin team, who process medical documents for about 30 Operose surgeries, that there was a backlog of more than 1,000 documents needing doctors’ attention. They tell me that the paperwork has been flagged for action on the computer system, but have yet to be seen by a doctor or pharmacist.
The documents are sent electronically to local practices, but the central team can still see which requests have not been actioned. I was told some of the correspondence had been waiting to be seen for six months.
Andy Kaplan-Myrth: Internet filtering in Canada: Rogers’ NHL blocking order (typefully.com)
Long story short: Rogers, Bell, and Quebecor got a court order against major ISPs plus relatively tiny TekSavvy and Distributel, to block whatever IP addresses they tell us to, in the name of filtering out unlicensed hockey games.
Craig Hemke: When Money Dies (sprottmoney.com)
“Undoubtedly, though, inflation aggravated every evil, ruined every chance of national revival or individual success, and eventually produced precisely the conditions in which extremists of Right and Left could raise the mob against the State, set class against class, race against race, family against family, husband against wife, trade against trade, town against country. It undermined national resolution when ssimple want or need might have bolstered it. Partly because of its unfairly discriminatory nature, it brought out the worst in everybody - industrialist and worker, farmer and peasant, banker and shopkeeper, politician and civil servant, housewife, soldier, merchant, tradesman, miner, moneylender, pensioner, doctor, trade union leader, student, tourist - especially the tourist. It caused fear and insecurity among those who had already known too much of both. It fostered xenophobia. It promoted contempt for government and the subversion of law and order. It corrupted even where corruption had been unknown, and too often where it should have been impossible. It was the worst possible prelude - although detached from it by several years - to the great depression; and thus to what followed.” - Adam Fergusson, When Money Dies, 1975 [speaking of Weimar Germany, approx. 50 years prior and ironically, of today]
Anne Helen: Is Everything an MLM? (annehelen.substack.com)
When I first suggested that yoga teacher training was an MLM, someone rightly responded: “it feels like everything today is an MLM.” That’s what happens when an industry is fully enveloped by capitalism: When a hedge fund buys a yoga company — or when universities are figured as money-making businesses, with actual consultants hired to lead them. You can blame massive constructive initiatives intended to lure students, but the real problem is the one no one wants to talk about: the massive divestment of state funds, aka tax dollars, across the board. Over the last thirty years, our elected officials have decided that higher education isn’t a societal investment. It’s a capitalist business that must sustain itself. It doesn’t matter how much the head of a graduate department wants to increase graduate pay when the budget has been squeezed so tightly and tuition has already exponentially risen to counter it. There’s no there, there.
A random comment from the internet:
I never took a vaccine. Therefore, I’m immune to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
TotD: It’s not a vaccine. When I write about the power or magic of words, this is a real-world, real-time example. The CDC changed the definition of vaccine to a shade of its former self and humans simply said, “Okay. Vaccine means this now. Good thing we got the new ones.” I think the conditioning for this is built in – we come up with new terms and assign them meaning all the time and since always – but, the silent complacency will always astound me. The is why the malignants that have assumed control simply don’t care; humans are dumb.
I also think that most rational people don’t need an explanation about the ridiculousness of all this (people aren’t this dumb, are they?); what people need is hope, that they can do something and it will actually matter. Already exceedingly difficult and compounded by hopes remaining in the same captured systems designed to bring us here (“Let’s just vote.” lol).
Humans have been scammed and have too many comforts to address the uncomfortable implications of said scam (moreover, many livelihoods depend on the scam, giving air to fire); the same can be applied to war, politics, economy, religion… everything we know, the Matrix itself.
Victor Davis Hanson: Joe Biden and Racial Demagoguery (victorhanson.com)
It promotes segregation on campuses, with racially exclusive safe spaces, dorms, and graduations. Its Southern embrace of nullification of federal law through over 500 sanctuary city jurisdictions is reminiscent of South Carolina in the 1830s. And it talks of state rights as if blue-state environmentalism, abortion, and illegal immigration should be exempt from federal statutes—in the fashion of George Wallace resisting federal mandates on integration. More recently, we see parlor talk of blue-state secession in journals like the Nation and The New Republic in the fashion of 1850s pamphleteering in the Carolinas.
- :thinking:: I’m still astonished by modern black people who claim the Democratic party as their saving grace; the same party that preferred them as slaves; the same party that has effectively kept them that way. To be somewhat charitable, this is also the party of Accepted Opnions which makes the previous understandable… still not excusable.
- TIL: The World Economic Forum has its own badged and armed police. How long before Meta, Amazon, Netflix, Google and Apple get to have their own too? There are times that I strongly dislike my accuracy… this is one of them; may this thoughtful arrow miss entirely.
Matthias: CSAM Scanning: EU Commission’s lies uncovered - Surveillance will not save the children. (tutanota.com)
This begs the question: How, just how, is scanning for CSAM on every chat message going to help prevent child sexual abuse within the family, the sports club or the church?
The EU Commission leaves this question unanswered.
- Again, Maxwell; no consequences.
Michael Senger: The Prophetic Monkeypox Simulation (michaelpsenger.substack.com)
That said, I won’t sit here and debate wild conspiracy theories that there might be anything unusual about a global pandemic occurring just months after a simulation of a global pandemic of exactly that kind, followed shortly after by the first-ever global outbreak of an even-more-obscure virus just months after a simulation of an outbreak of exactly that kind.
If you want to be a good American and make a six-figure salary—or be friends with people who make six-figure salaries—then do as your government tells you: Sit down, shut up, stay home, save lives, take your shots, show your papers, and muzzle your kids.
A random comment from the internet;
Guys typing away is what convinced me to look into the truth about Communism.
Guys typing away is what convinced me to look into the truth about immigration
Guys typing away is what convinced me to look into the truth about feminism
Guys typing away is what convinced me to look into the truth about gun control
Guys typing away is what convinced me to look into the truth about race
Guys typing away is what convinced me to look into the truth about WW2 and the 6 godzillion
Guys typing away is what convinced me to look into the truth about 9/11
Guys typing away is what convinced me to look into the truth about false flags and hoax shootings
Guys typing away is what convinced me to look into the truth about Israel
Guys typing away is what convinced me to look into the truth about COVID
Guys typing away is what convinced me to look into the truth about the clot shot
Never pretend that guys typing away doesn’t have an effect. 90% of us are here because some guy typing away made us question something.
Whilst the left is doing real world action which is making them look bad and causing people to abandon them in droves. Guys typing away are convincing thousands to join the side of truth, the side of good, the side of God. And when the moment comes guys typing away will have made sure that we outnumber Satan’s minions.
- 🤔: While Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have it out on television, Maxwell goes off into the memory-hole – haven’t seen her face in some time – and no one else is punished; OK, humans.
A random quote from the internet;
Two charts– fed balance sheet and money supply– identical images
Inflation and debt are going up up up.
No end in sight.Another one;
I finally understand the Simpsons joke of Homers profession. Remember he is a safety inspector at a nuclear power plant? The joke is there is nothing to worry about concerning radiation and any idiot can “supervise” safety there.
The context is Galen Winsor.
“A nuclear reactor plant is just a way to boil water that’s the cleanest, neatest, most economical way to boil water that you’ve ever seen.”
- The byproduct of a nuclear reactor isn’t “waste”; we’re just not allowed to unlock its full potential. Who owns the plutonium? How much is it worth?
An random comment from the internet;
Has BLM built any schools or provided tangible resources for struggling communities?
assert issubclass(BLM, TrojanHorse)
International Monetary Fund: Behind the Scenes of Central Bank Digital Currency (imf.org,
)Central banks are increasingly pondering whether to issue their own digital currencies to the general public, so-called retail central bank digital currency (CBDC). The majority of IMF member countries are actively evaluating CBDCs, with only a few having issued CBDCs or undertaken extensive pilots or tests. This paper shines the spotlight on the handful of countries at the frontier in the hope of identifying and sharing insights, lessons, and open questions for the benefit of the many countries following in their footsteps.
From the
, emphsis is mine;The chosen CBDC projects fulfill at least one of the following criteria:
a. A CBDC is already issued. Selected project: Central Bank of The Bahamas (CBOB).
b. A pilot CBDC has been or is being tested involving actual households and firms.
Selected projects: People’s Bank of China (PBOC), Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) and Banco Central de Uruguay (BCDU).
c. A CBDC project has been brought onto the country’s political agenda and is being analyzed by government or parliamentary bodies outside of the central bank. Selected project: Sveriges Riksbank.
d. The central bank has carried out a CBDC project and decided against issuing a CBDC for the time being. Selected project: Bank of Canada (BOC).
Drago Bosnic: “Global NATO” to Have Disasterous Effect on World Security (southfront.org)
In late April, when the UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss called for the creation of a “Global NATO” as part of “a shift in world order”, few seem to have noticed the magnitude of such an announcement. The statement followed calls by US President Joe Biden for a ‘New World Order to be established’ just four weeks prior during his Warsaw speech. The UK Foreign Secretary claimed that the world order established after the Second World War was failing and that the formation of “a global NATO” was necessary to “restore Western and allied ascent” in global affairs.
Ugo Bardi: The lockdown in China: if the powerful are doing something that looks stupid, is because whatever they’re doing IS actually stupid (thesenecaeffect.blogspot.com)
A comment on “The Shanghai Lockdown: A Memetic Analysis” by “Anonymous”
I am in Shanghai. I have been living here since 2007. I can read/speak Chinese at a high level of fluency. I also travelled extensively in the country.
There is something that most foreign analyst do not grasp: the Chinese Mind (the “collective subconscious” if you wish.)
- The Chinese Mind likes to be seen in the Struggle doing things to fight in the Struggle (no matter what the Struggle is, whether those actions give tangible results or not, at least they make great photo ops for the media.)
- The Chinese Mind is hive-like, it’s blindly obedient, and it lashes out at the “Enemy” (whether real or imaginary)
- The Chinese Mind is a bit childish, it is for sure stubborn, and non-rational/logical (non-Cartesian)
- The Chinese Mind is constantly under ideological propaganda, everywhere, every time, from childhood til death, from home to the workspace…
- The Chinese Mind is never guilty, it always blames the Other (and the object of the blame is constantly shifting)
- The Chinese Mind hates losing face (what face, nobody knows) and hates being criticized (just shut up and put it under the carpet)
Remember the famines? One day they wake up and decide to kill all the birds (that were eating bugs that were eating crops…)
Same Mindset.
Shanghai has always been seen as the most “civilized” city in China. Shanghai is often called Le Paris de l’Orient, it is an “international” first tier city… probably the top Chinese city in terms of openness, quality of life and access to medical care.
Nobody expected to see such levels of insanity in Shanghai… in other areas of the country, yes, but not here. Looking at the conditions in the quarantine centers… Containers without doors in a field, tents set on a highway, toilets flooded with feces… open air zoo.
They come take positive cases in big buses and ambulances almost daily. The police is patrolling streets at all times and we are unable to even set foot on the sidewalk. Every building that had a positive case is either: shut down with barriers OR has 1-2 men in a tent monitoring 24/7 (imagine all the manpower required.) Currently there are 3-4 of those tents in my compound. It’s basically Martial Law.
The psychological toll is quite high. The monetary one must be hard of lower classes. Some neighbors have mental breakdowns. Some people spray alcohol in the air while walking to get tested… You’d think the Plague is upon us.
Some people were getting messages in group chat about “foreign spies” and “foreign media fueling anti-China conspiracies.” Good ol’ shift the blame tricks.
I have been in lockdown since mid-March, got tested 35 times, and lost about 12 pounds. The local governmental commune gave us a little bit of food, but barely enough to survive.
Luckily we had some preps and were able to order some food. Now most delivery guys are not allowed to deliver to our address. We can get a bit of food, but we need to get imaginative to create new recipes (boiled/sweet and sour/spicy/fermented cabbage.)
- A pair of articles from Caitlin Johnstone who writes “about the end of illusions” at
Oh God It’s Going to Get SO Much Worse
Because of this person’s embarrassing cartoonishness, a lot more commentary lately has been going into discussing the fact that the Department of Homeland Security’s Ministry of Truth is run by a kooky liberal than the fact that the Department of Homeland Security has a fucking Ministry of Truth.
Which is really to miss the forest for the trees, in my opinion. Would it really be any better if the “Disinformation Governance Board” was run by a chill dude you wouldn’t mind having a beer with? Especially when we know the ideological leanings of this department are going to bounce back and forth between elections and will always act in service of US empire narrative control regardless of who is in office? I don’t think so.
Everyone’s Anti-War Until The War Propaganda Starts
This is why you’ll always see a number of self-described leftists and anti-imperialists cheering for the latest US war project. They are ideologically opposed to the idea of war in theory, but the way it actually shows up in practice is always different from what they pictured.
All the fretting about Russian propaganda from establishment narrative managers comes so close to giving away their secret: that they know it’s possible to manipulate the way the public thinks, acts and votes using media. They just don’t admit that they’re the ones who are doing this.
Kit Knightly: The IPCC Report & the Pivot from Covid to Climate (off-guardian.org)
- Point out all the ways Covid and climate change are similar.
- Emphasise that Climate Change is much more of a threat than Covid. Use the word “existential". A lot.
- Argue that since we were willing to change to fight Covid, we should do the same for climate.[optional]
We’re pivoting to climate change guys. Great Reset Phase II is upon us.- I was under the impression that Phase II was war; perhaps war is just a long and drawn out segue. It seems negotiations will go nowhere until Ukraine dies as a proxy of Western(/Globalist?) intent. Poor Ukraine, indeed.
Mr. Smith: You Are Not Real (peakprosperity.com)
Understood from this perspective, the great Lab Leak crackdown suddenly makes a great deal of sense. One of the baseline branding positions operating was “not-Trump.” I am completely persuaded that if Trump had spoken out in favor of the wet market theory, we’d all have been loudly advised to “follow the science” in precisely the opposite direction.
And to take it a step further, they don’t even care about the policy itself. The proclamation and the signaling is the whole story. In a fundamental sense, any person killed or otherwise victimized by increased crime is just not real. Extras and scenery. Nothing to see here.
Despite that, it is instructive to note here that there’s no incentive to just take the W, as the kids say, and move on. Satisfaction, and even victory, simply does not move the needle.
Brandon Smith: What is The “Great Reset” andd What Do the Globalists Actually Want? (alt-market.us)
Yeah, it sounds like bad science fiction, but remember these are the people that enjoy the undivided attention of many of our political leaders and they rub elbows with the central bankers at the Federal Reserve. I’ll say it again: The proponents of the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution, who want to completely undermine and reconstitute our society and way of life, are close partners with our national leaders and the very bankers that could force such a reset to happen through a deliberate collapse.
Kit Knightly: Is Russia the REAL Target of Western Sanctions? (off-guardian.org)
Regardless of what you feel about Putin, Zelensky, the war in general or Ukrainian Nazis, it’s time to confront the elephant in room.
We need to be asking: What exactly is the real aim of these sanctions? And how come they align so perfectly with the great reset?
- “The most potent vaccination is getting infected yourself.” - Dr. Anthony Fauci
- Mrs. Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren: Thoughts on Female Sufferage, and in Vindication of
Woman’s True Rights
- Navigation via top left.
- There are too many examples of why Mrs. Dahlgren was right; what’s left of women’s sports is a different branch from the same tree she writes about.
Charles Kennedy: Soaring LNG Demand Creates Traffic Jam at Gulf of Mexico Ports (oilprice.com)
Europe has morphed into the biggest market for U.S. liquefied natural gas over the past three months, as concern about the geopolitical tensions around Ukraine prompted the EU to seek alternatives to Russian gas in case Moscow turned off the taps, even though Moscow has repeatedly said that it has no such plans.
As a result of the surge in demand for U.S. LNG, the country overtook Qatar to become the world’s largest exporter of the commodity. U.S. LNG is one of the European Union’s preferred alternatives to Russian pipeline gas, whose consumption the union is trying to cut by two-thirds within a year.
- Note: This is America’s strategic interest.
Glenn Greenwald: The NYT Now Admits the Biden Laptop – Falsely Called “Russsian Disinformation” – is Authentic (greenwald.substack.com)
The real reason most liberals and their media allies do not want to hear about any of this is because they believe that the means they used (deliberately lying to the public with CIA disinformation) are justified by their noble ends (defeating Trump).
- Stolen elections have consequences.
Alice Giorddano: New Hampshire House Approves Over-the-Counter Ivermectin (theepochtimes.com)
By a 183—159 vote, New Hampshire’s Republican-dominated House of Representatives approved HB1022, which would allow pharmacists to dispense ivermectin under a standing order, meaning that anyone could go to a pharmacist and get human-grade ivermectin.
The Great Reset Phase Two: War (winteroak.org.uk)
While the pandemic acclimatised the world to lockdowns, normalised the acceptance of experimental medications, precipitated the greatest transfer of wealth to corporations by decimating SMEs and adjusted the muscle memory of workforce operations in preparation for a cybernetic future, an additional vector was required to accelerate the economic collapse before nations can ‘Build Back Better.’
Jeri-Lynn Scofield: India is Mulling Rupee-Ruble Payments System for Trade with Russia (nakedcapitalism.com)
The panel has representatives from the Reserve Bank of India, which is looking to designate a smaller Indian bank with minimal exposure to dollar or euro transactions, where a Russian bank could open an account because the sanctions don’t prohibit a rupee-ruble exchange system, the official said.
India had successfully used a similar payment system to pay for oil imports from Iran when that country faced sanctions from the West. At that time, the UCO Bank was set up as the main payment gateway.
Thought of the Day
The seamless transition from Covid to Russia should ring bells of alarm for most people, but it doesn’t. This allows for the same playbook to be used, right down to inviting TikTok stars to the White House “to be armed with accurate information” (they did this during Covid too) while projecting your actions onto the enemy before you do them (remember chemical weapons in Syria?).
They lied about the past 20 years of war (Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria) … but people forget about that and just believe them on Ukraine. Nevermind the lies to provoke Vietnam or the allowed to happen provocation of World War II. If were more knowledgable on the subject, I’m sure I could also point out the lie of World War I.
“Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care.” - George Carlin
All Wars Are Bankers Wars – which begs the question, where do the current events fit into the greater scheme of things? They’ve given us the problem, they’re controlling the reacton… where’s the solution? (“You will own nothing and be happy.” - World Economic Forum)
Jeffrey A. Tucker: Forget About Covid, They Say (brownstone.org)
Forget the stay-at-home orders, the church and business closures, the playground and gym closures, the bankruptcies, the travel restrictions, the firings, the crazed advice for everyone to mask up and physically separate, the record drug-related deaths, the mass depression, the segregation, the brutalization of small business, the labor-force dropouts, the forced stoppages of art and culture, and the capacity limits on venues that forced weddings and funerals to be on Zoom.
Forget about a closer look at the bogus mathematical models, vaccine trials, the circumstances behind the Emergency Use Authorizations, the adverse effects, the inaccuracies of the PCR test, and misclassification of deaths, the billions and trillions of misdirected funds, the division of all workers between essential and nonessential, and the millions who were forced to get jabs they did not want.
Forget about the possibility of a lab leak, the role of China, the deadly use of ventilators, the neglect of therapeutics, the near-banning of all talk of natural immunity, the overselling of the vaccine, the lost religious holidays, the lonely deaths due to the blocking of loved ones from hospitals, the censorship of science, the manipulated and hidden CDC data, the payments to the major media, the symbiotic relationship between government and Big Tech, the demonization of dissent, and the abuse of emergency powers.
Forget how health bureaucracies headed by political appointees took over the task of regulating nearly the whole of life, while messaging the country that freedom just doesn’t matter much anymore!
Michael Tracey: Ukraine is Trying to Goad the US Into World War III (mtracey.substack.com)
Hey, everybody: Ukraine is actively goading the US into war, and two of its most effective weapons in accomplishing this task are 1) the fevered hive-mind mentality of journalists acting out a moral crusade fantasy, and 2) the fertile terrain of social media, which is systematically amplifying Ukrainian “voices” while systematically purging Russian ones. Whatever the wisdom of this algorithmic manipulation initiative — even if you’re in full support of it — how can you not also grasp that it’s necessarily going to create a massively distorted information environment? Why do you think we see constant media reports declaring with such confidence that Putin’s war plans are “unraveling,” while other analyses suggesting Russian forces have made “solid progress” are largely ignored? Do you think it might have anything to do with the fact that the entire US media/corporate/military/political apparatus is following this war with an explicit rooting interest in Ukraine, and a vehement cross-ideological animus for Russia? Again, however justified it may be to have a rooting interest in Ukraine, or to have animus for Russia, it’s stupendously unjustified to let those passions so skew reality that we’re being taken to the precipice of WWIII, a once-unthinkable notion.
A random comment from the internet;
Ukraine is being invaded? If my facts are correct, Ukraine was invaded February 2014 and is now being liberated.
Thought of the Day
The sun is clearly beginning to set on the West. The BRIC nations of the world have, even now, remained cordial allies — neither B, I nor C have condemned the current actions of R; quite the contrary. They’ve shown that they aren’t willing to drink Washington’s kool-aid and that they’re well aware of who their enemies are. Together, they have a staggering population, masssive geography and a wealth of natural resources. The West gave them all kinds of manufacturing for quick money only to lose the long game (while meddling in all their neighbouring countries). Classified information was difficult to obtain before… it’s arguably easier to obtain now, which is to say that the West’s techonological advantage is also approaching nil.
Worthless fiat, corrupt culture and destitute weaponry… do we export anything else? I won’t even start on “free trade agreements”; those are resources that we literally give away as per the name, free trade.
If WWIII actually happens, the West will lose in spectacular – let’s hope, not nuclear – fashion. The moment the BRICs settle on alternative (digital?) currency, the West will be done either way; might as well call it the Nonamericano (you see now, their mistake with SWIFT).
Ekaterina Blinova: Prof: Russian Spec Op to De-Militarise & De-Nazify Ukraine Fully justified Unter International Law (sputniknews.com)
“President Putin’s special military operation to defend the people of Donbass from an imminent general offensive by the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev not only is it fully justified in international law by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, but it is fully consistent with the military praxis and doctrine of the legitimate self-defence of States in the face of an imminent threat emanating from a neighbouring state or enemy forces,” says Heinz Dieterich, director of the Centre for Transition Sciences (CTS) at the Autonomous Metropolitan University in Mexico City, and coordinator at the World Advanced Research Project (WARP).
William F. Jasper: Geoorge Soros’ Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine’s Turmoil (2014) (thenewamerican.com)
The IRF website and annual reports make clear that the Soros funds are targeted at promoting Ukrainian “partnership” with, and “integration” into, the EU. Soros has provided many millions more through his other “philanthropic” spigots. However, Soros’ influence in Ukraine extends far beyond the traceable funding he provides to activist Ukrainian NGOs, academics and think tanks. Equally, if not more, important is the influence he exerts on global opinion through his massive propaganda network (including Project Syndicate and other Soros megaphones) and his direct personal contacts with presidents, prime ministers, parliamentarians, central bankers, media executives, and Wall Street titans.
Brandon Smith: A Large Scale False Flag Cyber-Attack Is Now Imminent (alt-market.us)
The WEF and Schwab are best known for two things:
1: Their involvement in a war game called Event 201 which simulated the global spread of a coronavirus pandemic. This simulation was held two months BEFORE the real thing happened in early 2020 and a majority of the measures played out in the game were in fact implemented almost immediately following the outbreak.
2: Klaus Schwab’s excited announcement that the pandemic was the perfect “opportunity” to institute what he calls the “Great Reset” of the global economy along with the rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is the complete centralization of world trade and governance into a global socialist empire where you will “own nothing, have no privacy, and like it.”
- [3: Infiltrating world governments (like Canada) via doublespeak organizations like, Young Global Leaders. You can search many Canadian/Global officials (left-leaning especially) with an added “weforum” and find the page just for them.]
- A pair of essays by Igor Kusakov via deconcentration-of-attention.com;
- Psychonetics: a nerd’s toolset to work with mind and perception
Deconcentration of Attention: addressing the complexity of software engineering
A good example of a common activity in which a deconcentration of attention occurs to a certain extent is driving a car. Concentrating on anything for too long while driving is dangerous. Instead, a driver spreads attention on everything, without focusing on anything in particular. It is very interesting to notice how deconcentrated attention pinpoints whatever requires concentrative attention at any given moment.
Peter Shanosky: A Look at the Slow, Silent Death of America’s Middle Class
Employers might feel the need to up the ante if everyone was taking the job they liked instead of the job they need, which more people could do if they gave up some luxuries. The working class and working poor already are essentially forced into the nearest labor. The middle class has put themselves there voluntarily through purchases and debt. As it stands, corporations have what’s left of the middle class trapped in their clutches — and they won’t let go voluntarily.
[Thought: It’s interesting to see war propaganda and virtue signalling meet each other. Entities that should be entirely apolitical all of a sudden have an opinion on events that have nothing to do with them, with all the myopic depth of understanding that war propaganda can provide; the average person has no idea how effective it is, to them it’s just “the news”. It’s interesting that these same entities seem to have no opinion on Syria or Yemen (or Palestine?!?!?! … seriously).
The opposite argument says that it has everything to do with the average Western person whose “elected” officials insist on “spreading democracy”. But we, average people, are so far removed from politics that few notice all parties are playing the same game.
Also… now that the mainstream media has a war, they can conveniently avoid the diffusion of adverse reactions to the injections they forced everyone to take. Well, “forced”, because insurance companies will say that your decision was entirely voluntary and the judges will side with them.
Still, someone must pay; time will tell who; war criminals tend to prosper so the odds are not in humanity’s favour – despite this, hope is important.]
Niccolo Soldo: “Fuck it!” – Russia’s Final Break With the West (niccolo.substack.com)
This crisis was not about Ukraine. Ukraine only provided the setting for which this crisis is playing itself out. The point of this crisis, from the US perspective, is to effect a final cut off of Russia from Europe economically, so as to reduce Russian influence and increase US dominance on the continent, while cashing in by way of LNG exports to replace Russian gas deliveries. That’s it. The USA is more than happy in seeing Kiev occupied by Russian forces, because it kills the NordStream 2 pipeline, and opens up new business for American LNG companies, as well as bigger business for US arms exporters.
Glenn Greenwald: War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian and Reckless (greenwald.substack.com)
In other words, correctly apprehending key moral dimensions to the conflict provided no immunity against being propagandized and misled. If anything, the contrary was true: it was precisely that moral zeal that enabled so many people to get so carried away, to be so vulnerable to having their (often-valid) emotions of rage and moral revulsion misdirected into believing falsehoods and cheering for moral atrocities in the name of vengeance or righteous justice. That moral righteousness crowded out the capacity to reason and think critically and unified huge numbers of Americans into herd behavior and group-think that led them to many conclusions which, two decades later, they recognize as wrong.
- [Thought: Western powers (and their financiers) have been trying to break Russia into pieces of their own image for over two hundred years; since Napoleon. Not even a full year after Afghanistan and another war is already under way; convenient.]
- Brandon Smith: Amazon’s Woke Lord of the Rings is the Death Rattle of Social Justice Content (alt-market.us)
Neither politics nor culture are downstream from each other, they are parallel and equally vital. The fight for one must be taken as seriously as the fight for the other.
Raúl Ilargi Meijer: Bankruptcy for Moderna, Definitely Pfizer (theburningplatform.com)
Other insurance companies have reported the same or worse death numbers as OneAmerica. For example, “Unum Insurance is up 36%, Lincoln National plus 57%, Prudential plus 41%, Reinsurance Group of America plus 21%, Hartford plus 32%, Met Life plus 24%, and Aegon – which is a Dutch insurer – saw in their US arm plus 57% in the 4th quarter – in the 3rd quarter they saw a 258% increase in death claims.”
“Pfizer got blanket immunity with EUA. If fraud occurred, to my mind and what I’m seeing from their refusal to release the data – if there is fraud and it comes out – and we need whistleblowers – and it’s looking more apparent that this product is deadly – fraud eviscerates all contracts – that’s case law. So you go down the daisy chain, and that’s liability – that’s bankruptcy for Moderna, definitely Pfizer." — Edward Dowd, former Blackrock exec.Harry de Quetteville: Covid made the world go mad – Here’s what we know about the year of lockdown (telegraph.co.uk)
“We knew from February [2020], never mind March, that the lockdown would not solve the problem. It would simply delay it,” Woolhouse says, a note of enduring disbelief in his voice. And yet in government, “there was no attention paid to that rather obvious drawback of the strategy”.
“I heard [the official] argument caricatured as: everyone died, but at least no one was saved unfairly,” notes Woolhouse. Policy became a form of epidemiological communism, with imposed equality, even if it was equality of misery. “BBC News backed up this misperception by regularly reporting rare tragedies involving low-risk individuals as if they were the norm,” notes Woolhouse.
David Bell: The COVAX Delusion Reinforces Pharmaceutical Colonialism (brownstone.org)
COVAX is a vehicle by which a very powerful and wealthy group seeks to impose a new paradigm on global public health, with centralized, pharma-based interventions replacing community-driven healthcare and national health sovereignty. We cannot afford to leave it as a side issue to the local battles that we face, or our successes will be pyrrhic. The corporatist, centralized health paradigm that COVAX epitomizes is a fog of delusion that seeks to ensnare us all.
Howard Anglin: In Our Cashless Society, We Need to Take Digital Jail Seriously (thehub.ca)
The move to a cashless society, which has been accelerated by Covid restrictions, makes it almost impossible to function in society without a bank account and a credit card. You can’t purchase many services with cash anymore. When my local coffee shop’s wireless service went down the other day and they couldn’t process digital payments, I offered to pay with cash. They didn’t know what to do. Like many businesses, they simply aren’t set up to handle physical money. And that’s assuming you have large cash reserves to begin with, as you can’t withdraw money from a frozen bank account.
Roger Koops: The Next Step for the World Economic Forum (brownstone.org)
We can easily predict that the WEF’s call for a universal and mandated subscription plan for antibiotics – pushed with the overt intention of shoring up financial capitalization of major drug manufacturers – will meet the same fate: poor health outcomes, more power to entrenched elites, and ever less liberty for the people.
Alasdair Macleod: Central Banks Are Now Insolvent (goldmoney.com)
Whatever the economic outlook (and this is not a matter for GDP, which is just a money total and nothing else), markets will force interest rates higher in all debasing currencies mainly to compensate for loss of purchasing power. As bond yields rise significantly, the global bubble in financial assets will be fatally undermined. This outcome is increasingly certain.
Jean-Pierre Kiekens: Ivermectin Save the Queen? (twitter.com)
Ivermectin Save the Queen? I think the guys who did this segment did not read the fine print below Stromectol!
[Context: The tweet shows a video of Australia’s A Current Affair, which, at 0:19 reveals the Queen of England is receiving 3mg tablets of Ivermectin as part of her early treatment of “Covid-19”. The irony is Western media’s treatment of Ivermectin because everything is “Brought to you by Pfizer!”.
FYI: Pfizer’s oral treatment, Paxlovid, is essentially repackaged Ivermectin. See also, Tollovid, a plant extract proven in clinical study to have the same method of action without the side effects.]
Glenn Greenwald: The Neoliberal War on Dissent in the West (greenwald.substack.com)
Those who most flamboyantly proclaim that they are fighting fascists continue to embrace and wield the defining weapons of despotism.
A quote from Chrystia Freeland, simultaneously the deputy of both Canadian Traitor Justin Trudeau and World Economic Forum leader, Klaus Schwab;
I really believe COVID has created a window of political opportunity and maybe an epiphany.
A random quote from the internet;
Where are our former Prime Ministers? Why aren’t they outraged? Think about this folks.
- “Oh, Canada, our bought and sold out land…”
Daniel Dickin: Why Canada Will Become a Dictatorship Under Trudeau (huffpost.com) 2014
Would a Prime Minister Trudeau arbitrarily whip the vote and outlaw certain moral questions? Could Prime Minister Trudeau be trusted to make decisions for the good of the country, not just for his personal self-worth? Would Trudeau call in the police to enforce his vision?
Let’s hope we never have the opportunity to ask those questions.
- James Fetzer: HHS Documents Admit CDC Has Never Isolated Any “Covid-19
Virus” (jamesfetzer.org)
[Context: This article is from August 10th, 2021. The TL;DR is that “Covid-19” is a simulation, PCR tests effectively measured noise and more about the spike proteins that have since caused a visible increase (~40%) in the deaths of working age people (noticed by actuaries after the article was published, but noticed by the world in real time as 2021 saw the most footballers to ever fall dead on the pitch).
Now, place this context within that of horse trampling and rifle bashing the protesters in Ottawa because a traitor says the mandates are required to prevent more mandates. How can a minority Liberal government do these things? With the compliance of the New Democratic Party to enable majority support; they, too, have thrown Canada under the globalist bus.]
- Vaccines.News (vaccines.news)
Random quotes from the internet;
Does anyone else get the feeling this regime is trying to provoke Russia into a war to cover up it’s crimes? They wouldn’t do that would they?
Karl Marx: “Workers of the world, unite!”
Contemporary Marxists: “The truckers protesting are misogynist, homophobic and racist Nazis!”This is still about the flu, right?
Chris George: It’s all ugly, and the PM has made it worse. (niagraindependent.ca)
Akaash Maharaj, ambassador-at-large for the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption, explained this action is designed to bring down terrorists and transnational organized crime gangs. It is intended to lead to long-term financial ruin for those targeted. Maharaj states, “In a 21st-century economy, it would be a form of social death, making it effectively impossible for a flagged truck protester to hold a job, obtain housing, or pay for his basic needs.”
- [Note: Highly relevant is the 1959 French play, Rhinoceros.]
Orland, Platt and Odeh: Trudeau Anti-Protest Law Sweeps Across Canada Finance Sector (bloomberg.com)
Trudeau has said the measures will be temporary, targeted and are “reasonable and proportionate” to the threats the country faces.
- traitor noun:
- one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty
- one who commits treason
- traitor noun:
Ben Bartee: US Security State Prepping to Crush Planned American Convoy (thedailybell.com)
The Freedom Convoy owes its wild strategic effectiveness to a few distinguishing features:
#1: They showed up in the Heart of Canadian Darkness …
#2: … They are transparently non-violent non-extremists … Minions-themed bouncy castles for kids are hard to demonize as features of a “hate rally” or whatever.
#3: Just as importantly as making the ruling class uncomfortable, the truckers impacted the business operations of multinational corporations like Ford and Toyota… American and Canadian politicians couldn’t care less about the complaints of their average corn farmer constituent (whom they are theoretically supposed to represent). But when a multinational corporate CEO picks up the phone, they take that call.Good ideas have an organic way of going viral.
Joanna Miller: The Mandates are Leaving Europe. Is Freedom Winning? (theorganicprepper.com)
I see no easy way out of the mess we’re in. Either we slide along into what the Davos crowd wants, where we “own nothing and are happy,” or we brace ourselves for shortages as protests continue. Free societies have not been the norm throughout history. The norm, since the time of the ancient Sumerians, has been strongman leaders. The norm is trying really, really hard to reassert itself, and we need to resist it if we want to retain our rights and freedoms. We need to be able to keep our spirits up in the face of shortages, frustrations, and inconveniences. I firmly believe that if we freedom-lovers continue to support each other and keep our communities strong, we may avert sliding into medical-technical tyranny. The time to consciously choose a side is now.
John & Nisha Whitehead: Dystopia Disguised as Democracy: All the Ways in Which Freedom is an Illusion (rutherford.org)
Perhaps the best visual debate ever on individuality and freedom, The Prisoner confronted societal themes that are still relevant today: the rise of a police state, the freedom of the individual, round-the-clock surveillance, the corruption of government, totalitarianism, weaponization, group think, mass marketing, and the tendency of mankind to meekly accept his lot in life as a prisoner in a prison of his own making.
- Seneca: Moral Letters to Lucilius (wikisource.org)
- 1000 Peer Reviewed Studies Questioning Covid-19 Vaccine Safety (informedchoiceaustralia.com)
Daniel C. Dennett: Did HAL Coommit Murder? (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
The intuitive turning point is captured, I think, in answer to the question of whether an agent can still “think for himself” after indoctrination. And what is it to be able to think for ourselves? We must be capable of being “moved by reasons”; that is, we must be reasonable and accessible to rational persuasion, the introduction of new evidence, and further considerations. If we are more or less impervious to experiences that ought to influence us, our capacity has been diminished.
A quote from writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher and lecturer, Mark Twain;
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- A couple related articles from Richard Hanania via richardhahania.substack.com;
Women’s Tears Win in the Marketplace of Ideas
Of course, most women do not cry over hurt feelings or scream in men’s faces when they’re angry. Rather, it’s the loudest minority, being able to indulge their passions in ways that men cannot, that drive most of the censorship we see. How many women were behind the Yale Halloween costume controversy that became the center of American intellectual life? Like 10? Imagine at least one crying woman in every board room, newsroom, faculty meeting, and government office, and you can understand the decentralized force that has led us to this point.
Woke Institutions is Just Civil Rights Law
Understanding that wokeness is law may be able to help us get at the question of why conservatives are less motivated to be politically engaged than liberals. It’s not an exaggeration to say that conservative views on race and gender are often of questionable legality in the workplace. Even if conservatives cared as much as liberals, the state is always there with its thumb on the scale, having helped construct bureaucracies inside and outside government that create incentives against expressing certain beliefs or building institutions that are managed in ways that offend left wing officials and activists.
Lawrence Yeo: Travel is No Cure for the Mind (moretothat.com)
“Why are you surprised that traveling does you no good, when you travel in your own company? The thing that weighs on your mind is the same as what drove you from home.” — Socrates
Michael Merhige: Vietnam Regurgitated (libertarianinstitute.org)
Our commitment to the two-decade, multi-country invasions in the Middle East have shown our cowardliness to the world if not to ourselves. Our hypocrisy is stunning. No draft, no engagement (almost no KIA’s each year). Far more troop suicides than battle deaths while displacing, killing and maiming thousands of innocent civilian lives year after year. For whom and what? And, yes, a media in full march step with these disgraceful invasions and occupations.
Yuri Deigin: Thunder Out of China (inference-review.com)
The emails also reveal that having helped draft the Lancet letter, Baric and Daszak—initially at least—opted not to sign it. Baric expressed concern that if he were to sign the letter it might look “self-serving, and we lose impact.” Daszak, on the other hand, sought to downplay his own involvement, along with that of Baric and another virologist, Linfa Wang. “You, me, and him should not sign this statement,” Daszak suggested to Baric and Wang, “so that it has some distance from us and therefore doesn’t work in a counterproductive way.”
“We’ll then put it out in a way that doesn’t link it back to our collaboration so we maximize an independent voice.”
Enrico Trigoso: Pentagon Responds to DoD Whistleblowers’ Claim of Spiking Disease Rates in the Military After COVID Vaccine Mandate (theepochtimes.com)
According to the whistleblower documents, miscarriages in the military were at 1,400 to 1,500 a year in the first three quarters of 2020, and it increased to over 4,000 during the first 10 months of 2021.
Mark Jeftovic: GoFundMe Just Proved Bitcoin’s Use Case (bombthrower.com)
In the information era, the elites need a different type of slavery. It needed to be digitized. But their problem is that the inexorable push toward wider autonomy and freedom for all humanity threw them a curveball called “decentralization”.
Ezra Levant: Justin Trudeau, GoFundMe and #FreedomConvoy
This is how the pandemic/lockdown vaccine passports will work, though. Merge people’s health choices (a proxy for their politics) with their digital footprint; link that to their finances, their ability to shop, rent, live. It’s China-style social credit.
[Note: In 2020, city zones were occupied admist violence and unlawful activity for months; the media called this peaceful while pockets big and small rushed to donate.
In 2022, a protest has turned into an occupation because the Prime Minister decided to hide on the opposite side of the country for two weeks. Meanwhile, the PM’s enforcers have blocked traffic between countries. The media blames the blockade on the protesters while calling them violent and unlawful despite no bodily harm or physical property damage to match the peaceful activity of 2020.]
Matteo Salonia: Italy’s Covid Despotism Just Got Worse (mises.org)
The fact that virtually every opinion labelled by the media as “conspiracy theory” has turned out to be true just three or four months later has done nothing to shake the arrogance of the corrupt mass media, who are entrenched in their monopoly over the news cycle, thanks to their access to state funding and political favors. And this is true in Italy as virtually everywhere else.
Priscilla Long: On Writing: An Abecedarian (hudsonreview.com)
Writing. Writing widens the space for individual feeling, for paradoxical emotion, for self-integration, for second thoughts, for confession (Edward Hirsch, How to Read a Poem). Writing allows you to discover what you are thinking and feeling, what you believe, what you remember. By writing you can elegize or rhapsodize or argue with yourself or with another.
BTCM Research: The Case Against Bitcoin’s Inflation Narrative (medium.com)
Within the Bitcoin space, there are two topics that are guaranteed to get you positive attention. One is to promote the inflation narrative and the other is to promote bullish price momentum. Many of the articles that cover the aforementioned topics can be boiled down to mere cheerleading and often tend to lack substance in my opinion. Even though this missive will be covering the topic of inflation, it will actually be providing support for an alternative view than that which is most popular. This article may seem a bit long to most readers but not to worry, it is just as chart heavy as it is word heavy and the charts and illustrations we will be using will be helpful for our analysis.
Jeffrey P. Snider: OK, Bank Reserves; Let’s Do This One More Time (alhambrapartners.com)
But since the central bankers want you to think inflationary and only inflationary – because, let’s face it, the reason they are conducting one or more QE’s in the first place is because conditions are threatening deflationary – they are quite content to sit back and let the financial media spread the lies and misinformation on their behalf. Officials judge this distortion to be on the one hand harmless, while on the other more than helpful (in theory).
Kit Knightly: Media Lies & the Sacred Rites of the Vaccine Cult (off-guardian.org)
Opposing vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, or the giving of untested vaccines to children. All have been described as “anti-vax” positions. You could have every vaccine you’ve ever been offered, but decline the Covid “vaccine” to wait for long-term safety data, and still find yourself branded an “anti-vaxxer”. And now, finally, you can actually be vaccinated, but be labelled an “anti-vaxxer” because you may have previously expressed doubts or asked questions. The injection has become the quite literal equivalent of a religious rite, where your beliefs are just as important as your actions, maybe even more so.
A. Z. Foreman: Latin as She is Spoke: How Classicists Tricked Temselves, and the Real Issue with Mary Beard’s Latin (blogicarian.blogspot.com)
“Libri tam medio illo aevo quam litterarum et artium renascentium aetate Latine scripti adhuc exstant permulti: quibus perlectis, etiam nunc iudicare possumus quale quisque genus scribendi coluerit: at non tam facile iudicare valemus quibus modis, quam crebro, quam diligenter homines iam pridem emortui ex tempore et pro re nata soliti sint Latine colloqui” – Terence Tunberg
There exist as yet a great many books written in Latin as much from the Middle Ages as from the Renaissance. Having read them, we are even now able to judge what kind of writing-type any given person practiced. We are not as easily able to judge how, how often, or how carefully people long dead were wont to converse in Latin when speaking it spontaneously on an as-needed basis.
François Bonivard (1493-1570): Chronicles of Geneva (samim.io)
But then a disaster happened: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of patients. There was no question of right and wrong for the Geneva hospital staff in 1530. If the plague produces money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized.
Thierry Baudet: My Political Duty: Fight the WEF
When I became a member of the Dutch Parliament in 2017 for the Conservative Forum for Democracy, I was optimistic about the future. Until 2019, it looked as if the West was going through a Conservative Spring. Our electorates seemed to have enough of mass immigration, the undermining of national sovereignty, and climate alarmism. We witnessed Brexit, the election of Trump, the electoral triumphs of populist parties such as the Lega Nord in Italy, the Sweden Democrats, the Alternative for Germany, and others, such as my own. And then, all of a sudden, there was corona, which became the perfect alibi to turn the whole world into a totalitarian bio-security state and trample our fundamental liberties.
- Courtesy of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance at covid19criticalcare.com, a series of protocols for before, during and “after”;
MN Gordon: The Greatest Crackup the World’s Ever Known (economicprism.com)
Instead, we got lies, corruption, teachers unions, arbitrary rules, monster debt, Anthony Fauci, fake money, woke, and a dependent populace. Abhorrence like these, again, go back to the money…
Stacey Lance: I’m a Public School Teacher. The Kids Aren’t Alright. (bariweiss.substack.com)
What am I supposed to say? That 23 children have died from Covid in Canada during the whole of the pandemic and she is much more likely to kill someone driving a car? That kids in Scandinavia, Sweden, and the Netherlands largely haven’t had to wear masks at school and haven’t seen outbreaks because of it? That masks are not a magic shield against the virus, and that even if she were to pass it along to a classmate, the risk of them getting seriously sick is minuscule?
Robert Malone: Mass Formation: Deployed on You After Over 200 Years of Study (rwmalonemd.substack.com)
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. … Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”
– The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Gustave Le Bon
Clint Ehrlich: The situation in Kazakhstan is a much bigger deal than Western media is letting on. (threadreader.app)
What is “hybrid war”? From the Russian perspective, it is a two-pronged approach to regime change. First, Western-backed NGOs encourage large protests against an incumbent government. Second, armed provocateurs use the protests as cover to stage kinetic attacks.
In 1986, the founder of NED [National Endowment for Democracy], Carl Gershman, said the group was created because “[i]t would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the CIA.” … Today, instead of receiving CIA money, they receive NED money. … In 1991, NED President Allen Weinstein said, “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”
Project Veritas: Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath (projectveritas.com)
Dr. Fauci has repeatedly maintained, under oath, that the NIH and NAIAD have not been involved in gain of function research with the EcoHealth Alliance program. But according to the documents obtained by Project Veritas which outline why EcoHealth Alliance’s proposal was rejected, DARPA certainly classified the research as gain of function.
“The proposal does not mention or assess potential risks of Gain of Function (GoF) research,” a direct quote from the DARPA rejection letter.
Major Murphy’s report goes on to detail great concern over the COVID-19 gain of function program, the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the mRNA vaccines.
- U.S. Marine Corp Major Joseph Murphy’s report to Inspector General of DoD - PDF
- [Note: The initial report is a mere 6/24 pages; read the first six and skim the rest. More documents can be found at the Project Veritas link above.]
Andrea Germanos: Progressives Demand Biden End Sanctions to Avert Mass Starvation in Afghanistan (commondreams.org)
As Paul Spiegel, director of the Center for Humanitarian Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, wrote this December, after returning from a trip to Afghanistan on behalf of the WHO, “I can clearly state that if the United States and other Western governments do not change their Afghanistan sanction policies, more Afghans will die from sanctions than at the hands of the Taliban.”
- Armbrust USA: Comprehensive Mask Testing (armbrustusa.com)
- [Note: A great table with a variety of filters.]
Breemen, Muchiri, Bates et al: Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
Cannabinoid acids from hemp (Cannabis sativa) were found to be allosteric as well as orthosteric ligands with micromolar affinity for the spike protein. In follow-up virus neutralization assays, cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid prevented infection of human epithelial cells by a pseudovirus expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and prevented entry of live SARS-CoV-2 into cells. Importantly, cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid were equally effective against the SARS-CoV-2 alpha variant B.1.1.7 and the beta variant B.1.351. Orally bioavailable and with a long history of safe human use, these cannabinoids, isolated or in hemp extracts, have the potential to prevent as well as treat infection by SARS-CoV-2.
- [Note: CBGA and CBDA]
Charivarius: The Chaos (ncf.idallen.com)
The Chaos represents a virtuoso feat of composition, a mammoth catalogue of about 800 of the most notorious irregularities of traditional English orthography, skilfully versified (if with a few awkward lines) into couplets with alternating feminine and masculine rhymes. The selection of examples now appears somewhat dated, as do a few of their pronunciations, indeed a few words may even be unknown to today’s readers (how many will know what a “studding-sail” is, or that its nautical pronunciation is “stunsail”?), and not every rhyme will immediately “click” (“grits” for “groats”?); but the overwhelming bulk of the poem represents as valid an indictment of the chaos of English spelling as it ever did. Who the “dearest creature in creation” addressed in the first line, also addressed as “Susy” in line 5, might have been is unknown, though a mimeographed version of the poem in Harry Cohen’s possession is dedicated to “Miss Susanne Delacruix, Paris”. Presumably she was one of Nolst Trenité’s students.
- How Bad is My Batch (howbad.info)
We included 3,959 individuals (vaccinated 2,403; unvaccinated 1,556). Most of the
vaccinated cohort received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (55%) (Moderna 35%, Johnson &
Johnson/Janssen 7%). Overall, COVID-19 vaccine was associated with a less than 1-day
change in cycle length for both vaccine-dose cycles compared with prevaccine cycles…;
unvaccinated individuals saw no significant change compared with three baseline
cycles… In adjusted models, the difference in change in cycle length between the
vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts was less than 1 day for both doses… Change in
menses length was not associated with vaccination.
Questions remain about other possible changes in menstrual cycles, such as menstrual
symptoms, unscheduled bleeding, and changes in the quality and quantity of menstrual
[Note: The observed change equates to roughly 19 hours.]
Tara Henley: Speaking Freely (tarahenley.substack.com)
It used to be that I was the one furthest to the left in any newsroom, occasionally causing strain in story meetings with my views on issues like the housing crisis. I am now easily the most conservative, frequently sparking tension by questioning identity politics. This happened in the span of about 18 months. My own politics did not change.
To work at the CBC in the current climate is to embrace cognitive dissonance and to abandon journalistic integrity. … It is to become less adversarial to government and corporations and more hostile to ordinary people with ideas that Twitter doesn’t like.
Christopher F. Rufo: The Price of Dissent (city-journal.org)
Zac Kriegman had the ideal résumé for the professional-managerial class… He then spent six years at Thomson Reuters Corporation… By the beginning of 2020, Kriegman had assumed the title of Director of Data Science and was leading a team tasked with implementing deep learning throughout the organization. … Finally, on the first Tuesday in May 2021, he posted a long, data-intensive critique of BLM’s and his company’s hypocrisy. He was sent to Human Resources and Diversity & Inclusion for the chance to reform his thoughts.
He refused—so they fired him.
Isaac Kriegman: BLM is Anti-Black Systemic Racism (kriegman.substack.com)
“Even though I’m regarded as pessimistic, I was never pessimistic enough to think that things would degenerate to the point where they are now, where adult human beings are talking about getting rid of the police, where they’re talking about reducing the number of police, reducing the resources put into police work, at a time when murder rates have been skyrocketing over what they were just a year ago in 2019. And, what is frightening, is how many people in responsible positions are caving in to every demand that is made, repeating any kind of nonsense that you’re supposed to repeat.” [Thomas Sowell]
Why have the voices of black activists spreading devastating falsehoods been relentlessly promoted by the media, schools, universities and politicians while highly esteemed black scholars whose research would have exposed those falsehoods, and the damage those falsehoods are inflicting, been largely ignored? The media has not simply been reporting the news. Academics have not simply been researching in pursuit of truth. Rather, through careful choices of which voices they elevate and promote, they’ve been shaping a narrative. And that narrative neglected the voices, and crucial insight, of some of the most distinguished black professors and leaders in the country.Victor Davis Hanson: Who Are the Real Insurrectionists? (victorhanson.com)
… Or they mask their own revolutionary propensities by projecting them onto their opponents.
After all, who is trying to federalize election laws in national elections contrary to the spirit of the Constitution? Who wishes to repeal or circumvent the Electoral College? Who wishes to destroy the more than 180-year-old Senate filibuster, the over 150-year-old nine-justice Supreme Court, and the more than 60-year-old, 50-state union?
Who is attacking the founding constitutional idea of two senators per state? The Constitution also clearly states that “When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside.” Who slammed through the impeachment of Donald Trump without a presiding chief justice?
Never had a president been either impeached twice or tried in the Senate as a private citizen. Who did both?
A random quote from the internet;
So when people finally realize the vax kills, will this non-white vax preference decision by Dems be viewed as racist genocide? If not, why not?
Margaret Menge: Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64 (thecentersquare.com)
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”Robert Malone: What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure? (substack.com)
AT A MINIMUM, based on my reading, one has to conclude that if this report holds and is confirmed by others in the dry world of life insurance actuaries, we have both a huge human tragedy and a profound public policy failure of the US Government and US HHS system to serve and protect the citizens that pay for this “service”.
Frank Miele: The Big Lie and the Elastic Truth: How to Invent a Coup (realclearpolitics.com)
On the other side, there is a rising chorus of voices, moms and dads, black and white, free-thinkers all, who ask for the right to raise their children as they see fit, insist on medical autonomy, expect elections to be fair, and don’t bow before authority unless it is legitimately wielded.
Glenn Greenwald: Democrats and Democracy (threadreaderapp.com)
It’s really amazing that the political faction obsessed with deploying a union of state and corporate power to silence their political opponents has somehow convinced itself that they’re the ones fighting – rather than constructing – a fascist order.
Alina Chan: WIV/EcoHealth Alliance, SARS-CoV-2 realtives and 2016 (threadreaderapp.com)
Why is there a higher standard of proof for a lab #OriginOfCovid? I believe the reasons are not scientific. Lab-based outbreaks, even of a novel virus (Marburg), have happened before many times. SARS-CoV-2 itself recently leaked from a BSL3 lab, infecting a fully vax’ed person. Rushing to condemn a lab accident as a conspiracy theory or scientifically implausible was not scientific. Failing to rigorously follow up on these clear leads pointing to a virus hunting-based conduit of SARS2-like viruses into Wuhan is also not scientific.
Jonathan Witt: Cliff Notes for the Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Robert W. Malone (threadreaderapp.com)
“these mandates of an experimental vaccine are explicitly illegal, they are explicitly inconsistent with the Nuremberg Code”